now is the time also rush assignment
prepare mid-term
then presentation..hoho
opl, muz faster do lo..don't laz minutes..
rmb ur dad say..laz minutes work will not b NICE !!
then..after final i will leave kampar go sg.long lo.. juz start hv feel in kampar n with some close friends
a bit bu she de leh..
later go sg.long nd start from the begining dy~~
but cnt do anything..
u muz think of ur future when choose the degree u want..not want with friends oni choose tat degree course...muz b mature~~
although now is the time to fight with the asigment n exam
but now my mind is always think about travel leh~~
hope can go travel with kampar friends to hv some nice memories
don't know can plan successfully anot leh
hope success !! very qi dai zhe ^^
laz~~want thanks u all n bcs u all i not alone in kampar...thx^^