Today, i hv a sleepless night...
so,i decide find back my mood/ feel to write blog..
a great new year for me- 2012..
n in year 2012
I start 迷恋 to a group of idols- SUPER JUNIOR (SUJU)bcs of their album- Mr.Simple n also by my friend- TZX

their song r very very nice besides their look r handsome..XD
such as mr.simple , bonamana , a cha , no others , white christmas , etc.
i like their song much
n they make me start like KPOP dy..
morever, laz time i din't crazy to any idols but juz like some artist's song only..
N they r my 1st idols which make me crazy to( but not as crazy like other fans la)
Juz sometime like to listen their song..free like to c their recently news..sometime save their picture..haha
n now, me from a small fans which duno them..until start bcum a true fans-one of the ELF which know all of the members n their names...like to c their show n more..
the members r

KANGIn , shindong n kibum also but not inside the picture la..hehe
hahaha...bsides..when we get rm200 voucher..i got a 冲动 use these voucher buy their album..Mr.simple
but..popular dun hv if want juz hv cd oni..so i dun wan jor
bside their album also expensive..so cancel the idea lo
so,i juz can download from internet lo..wahahaha
n..when c their super show 4 concert in taiwan..is very super successful !!!
make me also hv the feel to join the concert..
but, until now stil dun hv news say that SS4 will held in malaysia..so juz can wake lo..haiz..
but, if got i also cnt c..bcs sure nd rm2++-rm5++
dun hv so much $$ go the concert..so oni can get the news from FB lo..TT
n..i like one of the member - YESUNG
haha..i duno la..i like all of them but like him more among them la..XP

now,i hope 1 day i can get all of them get signiture..n take photo with them^^
finally..finiz my 1st blog in 2012 lo^^
will update more soon XD
